On Tue, 15 Dec 2009, Marc Perkel wrote:
Get a modern email client. Are you using a KSR33 teletype on a 110 baud

To be fair, I must admit that there comes a point in the technology curve when we must let go of the oldest/plainest tech in favor of new ways of doing things. And even my antiquated Pine install correctly interprets your HTML-only mail and displays it properly.

That being said, I consider it one of the greatest evils of major software developers to 'push' new standards, and convince their users that it is 'natural', 'expected' and not at all RUDE to be demanding that everyone else upgrade to the new 'standard' that this software company has chosen, just as soon as they invent it. Perhaps after a few years, when other vendors have had a chance to add the new standard, sure.

So Marc, with how 'old' HTML mail now is, it may indeed be fair/right to suggest that people upgrade their mail clients to an HTML-capable version. But at the same time, when dealing with System Admins, and diverse systems, we must keep in mind that some people on this list are *stuck* with systems and software that they have no *authorization* to update, and so it is equally fair, or perhaps even more so, to ask you to tweak an option that is probably just a 'checkbox' on your mail client, rather than (unintentionally) taunt these people with a suggestion to upgrade that they cannot follow, and then make them *live* with whatever inconvenience that HTML-only mail brings them.

Think about it. Your modem analogy is more apt than you realize. I have dialup customers (ANY speed) who are always having problems with people sending them oversize e-mails from their broadband connections. There really NEEDS to be significant consideration for when people have different technology levels..... :)

- Charles

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