How could a two character tag like SA be annoying? You must never use a blackberry or iPhone to check your email either.

At 11:12 AM 12/15/2009, RW wrote:
On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 09:44:50 -0500
Jeff Koch <> wrote:

> I have to say that it is extremely annoying that this mailing list
> does not put a tag identifying itself in the subject line. Every
> other mailing list of a similar technical nature that I participate
> in has a tag.

I'm exactly the opposite, hardly any of the lists I subscribe to do
that, and I find it annoying when it's done. Every list mail comes with
a List-Id header so you can filter, tag or whatever.

I'd find it annoying to look at a list where every single message
starts with "[sa-user]".

Best Regards,

Jeff Koch, Intersessions

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