From: LuKreme <>
   Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 08:23:23 -0700

   I'm adding address book users into the user_prefs files, but without
   the signing domain this is useless and emails for my users are still
   getting tagged up as spam (these in particular score 7-10 points
   without the whitelist). Is there a better way, or do I just have to
   go in and find a DKIM-Signature for each address book entry and then
   parse out the d= field?
Yes, you need the d= part.  Note You should only do this for messages
from domains that are signed and pass DKIM with DKIM_VERIFIED.  Adding
whitelist_From_dkim won't do any good if you don't have DKIM_SIGNED

   grep -r "^DKIM-Signature:" $HOME/Maildir | awk  '{print $4}' | sed 's/d=//' 
| sed 's/;//' | sort -u
   I dunno, doesn't seem that efficient (oh, and it doesn't work since the d= 
doesn't appear in the same location in all the headers).
If you are going to use sed, You need the entire DKIM_Signature header
as one line.  Use formail to extract the header, for example
  formail -c -x DKIM-Signature:

       formail - mail (re)formatter

       -c   Concatenate continued fields in the header.  Might  be  convenient
            when postprocessing mail with standard (line oriented) text utili-

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