jdow wrote:
From: "Charles Gregory" <cgreg...@hwcn.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 2009/December/16 07:49

On Tue, 15 Dec 2009, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
Marc Perkel wrote:
There was actually a time when I had one of those in my house.

For your amusement:

I still have my old Commodore 64 and 1541 drive sitting in the basement.

One year my daughter's school had a project to construct exhibits for a show called 'working class treasures' for the local Worker's Heritage Museum. The idea was to put on display 'precious' possesions from their parents' childhood. Baseballs, old toys, favorite tools, whatever.

Well, the only thing I had of any 'meaning' to me was my C-64. So she put that in her exhibit.

So yes, my Commodore 64 has actually been displayed in a museum.
Not just figuratively, but *literally* a 'museum piece'. :)

How many do you want? I believe Loren might still have several.


I don't know if anyone still remembers this but this is what I had for my first computer back on 1979.


IMSAI 8080 - except I had a Z80 board for it.

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