On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 09:04:18 -0500
Matt Kettler <mkettler...@verizon.net> wrote:

> No.. If you're using file-based bayes, there's no good way to share
> updates between one DB and the other. The information needed to make
> such a merger successful isn't stored, because it is not needed for
> any reason within SpamAssassin. The database merely stores the token,
> it's spam count, it's nonspam count, and a last-seen timestamp. If
> you look at the same token in 2 different databases, you can't really
> merge these counts, because you don't know how many occurred since
> your last merge.

I'm not saying it's a good idea, but it is possible provided that you
retained the result of the previous merge. It should be simple to
script too.

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