On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Gene Heskett wrote:

I got to work for several months as a bench tech for an outfit building the first pair of the then smallest tv cameras in the world.

Later I found out that one of those civies was Jacques Cousteau,

3 hours later had a contract to put those two cameras on the Trieste as soon as we could get the pressure cases built. Those were headed for the bottom of the Challenger Deep, 37,000+ feet in the big pond. Short story, we did, and they worked.

And I think Gene wins. Bravo! That's a cool story.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
 jhar...@impsec.org    FALaholic #11174     pgpk -a jhar...@impsec.org
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  "Bother," said Pooh as he struggled with /etc/sendmail.cf, "it never
  does quite what I want. I wish Christopher Robin was here."
                                           -- Peter da Silva in a.s.r
 7 days until Christmas

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