On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 12:18:46 -0500 (EST)
Charles Gregory <cgreg...@hwcn.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Christian Brel wrote:
> >> Go read the archives, troll.
> > All of them or do you have something specific, troll?
> Fine, fine, pedant.....
> Go SEARCH the archives, troll.  :)
> - C
Perhaps I can help you understand why the question was asked on list.
Yesterday, J D Falk of Return Path said;

"Return Path is not an ESP by any of the common definitions.
(No wonder you're confused.)"

To which I asked J D Falk:
"Would it be rude of me to ask how you make your money? Is it from the
provision and delivery of bulk commercial email or am I confused?"

Which is perfectly fair, direct and reasonable. There is a like for
like sarcastic ending, just as J D Provided.

Now, I've not seen J D follow up to that, unless you have elected
yourself to his spokesperson and qualified to answer for him? The
alternative would be you are just spoiling for an argument and fit the
'troll' definition rather well:

"a troll is someone who posts ...with the primary intent of provoking"

But please, carry on - it suits you.

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