On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 13:00:05 -0500 (EST)
Charles Gregory <cgreg...@hwcn.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Christian Brel wrote:
> >> Go SEARCH the archives, troll.  :)
> > Perhaps I can help you understand why the question was asked on
> > list.
> It's obvious as to why. You failed to read previous postings that
> answered the question the first time(s) you (or someone else) asked
> it....
> > "Return Path is not an ESP by any of the common definitions.
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP
> > (No wonder you're confused.)"
> > To which I asked J D Falk:
> > "Would it be rude of me to ask how you make your money? Is it from
> > the provision and delivery of bulk commercial email or am I
> > confused?" Now, I've not seen J D follow up to that, unless you
> > have elected yourself to his spokesperson and qualified to answer
> > for him?
> Hint: "No wonder you're confused" refers to your question "or am I 
> confused?" So you have *quoted* his follow up and pretended that it
> was *before* your useless, repeated question. And then you claim that
> you have 'not seen' the follow up you quote? ROFLMAO!
> I ammend my request one more time:
> Go SEARCH the archive IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, troll.
> - C

Charles, you *are* speaking for J D Falk with his
Auspices? No? Then you are trolling - keep going. I love it when you
are angry ;-)

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