> Spamassassin is not something trivially installed like a 
> piece of Microsoft junkware. In fact, it is nearly impossible 
> to get it to do anything useful without reading lots of 
> documents Daryl. Couple this with the fact it only *scores* 
> mail - it does not block it - any mish mash of rules could be 
> argued to be 'safe'. If it were deployed at the SMTP level 
> where it was kicking out 55x's it may be a different story.
> So the 'safe' angle really has no legs.


the thing is, some of us do have SA integrated in such a way as to reject
spam at SMTP time

that is one of the main reasons why we do not believe that UBE should be
given preference in SA as a *default*

in general, if legit companies with legit MOI lists and whatever other
*legit* email admin concerns cannot make simple emails that will not be
scored as spam and make into easily into people's email boxes then too bad.

way too much & way to frequent UBE junk.

 - rh

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