On Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009 Marc Perkel wrote:
> I found a bug in the way my Hostkarna blacklist generates the list
>  which led to some false positives. There are servers that look like
>  spammers sometimes but lomg term data and white listing and nobl
>  listing was supposed to keep these servers off our black list.
>  However what was happening is that due to bad processing some of
>  these servers would appear on the list for a few hours just to be
>  automatically removed later. I would get complaints of people listed
>  but by the time they complained the system had already removed them.
> Even though the number of false positives was small, even a small
>  number is enough to get noticed because in my world a false positive
>  is as bad as 100 unblocked spams.
> So - for those of you testing my lists you might want to consider
>  doing another test run. It should come out better than the last time
>  in relation to false positives.

Thank you Marc, good to hear. I guess I'll retry next year, now 
everybody stops working and I wouldn't get reports until Jan 11.

mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Michael Monnerie, Ing. BSc

it-management Internet Services
Tel: 0660 / 415 65 31

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