I've had an installation of SpamAssassin which I've been happy with for a number of years, its rulesets have been updated using Rules Du Jour. I've moved to a new server which has less rulesets installed and is catching less spam. The rulesets in this new installation are currently not updated. Not surprisingly, the new installation is catching less spam. I want to get the new installation up to the standard of the old one. Both installations are 3.2.5.

This all leaves me with a number of questions:

   * How do I work out which rulesets are being used by an installation
     of SA?
   * What is currently the best way of updating rulesets; I gather
     sa-update has replaced RulesDu Jour?
   * Can anyone recommend the best document dealing with sa-update?
   * A lot of my old rulesets came from the SA Rules Emporium but I see
     that site is no longer updated, is there anyway to get new
     versions of these rulesets?

I'm finding all this rather confusing as things seem to have moved on somewhat since I last changed anything!

Many thanks,

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