On 11/01/2010 10:22, Jason Haar wrote:
Hi there

We've been getting a few of these leaking through in the past couple of


They aren't triggering (enough) network rule matches, contain a
bayes-killer, and even FuzzyOCR can't manage the swirly image trick they
pull. Has anyone come up with a way to fight these? (I've actually added
all the phrases that occur in this image to FuzzyOCR - didn't help)

I just copied and pasted that out of pastebin into a little project I've been working on. Here's the result:


Unlike with pastebin, it mime decodes emails and you can see the decoded image at the bottom of that page.

Just thought some of you might be interested. It's quite new and requires some work but the basic functionality is there.

Mike Cardwell    : UK based IT Consultant, LAMP developer, Linux admin
Cardwell IT Ltd. : UK Company - http://cardwellit.com/       #06920226
Technical Blog   : Tech Blog  - https://secure.grepular.com/blog/
Spamalyser       : Spam Tool  - http://spamalyser.com/

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