Hello guys!

I have a lot of mail servers running spamassassin and I never had false
positives problems.

Recently I installed more one server and I'm having a lot of false
positives problem with it. I understand that spamassassin is a software
and it can get wrong sometimes, the another servers get false positives
sometimes, but in this server it's really getting a lot more.

I use:

Postfix 2.3.3
Amavis 2.6.4
Spamassassin 3.2.5
CentOS 5.4 with linux kernel 2.6.18

The spamassassin rules are updated and the amavis and postfix
configuration files are the same in all servers (so, make no sense to be
some problem on the configuration files).

I cannot use whitelists because I have clients sending and receiving
e-mails from random IPs.

Somebody know what can I do?

* Sorry by my bad English.

Blog - http://www.focolive.org

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