Le 27/01/2010 17:31, Kai Schaetzl a écrit :
John Wilcock wrote on Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:27:17 +0100:

Me too... 463 of them, to be exact.

Do you want to say that you changed the score of 463 rules?

No, absolutely not. On this test box I haven't changed the scores of any rules. There are absolutely no local "score" statements (and no local rules either, for that matter).

However, these two files don't seem to exist in

Indeed, that's why you are getting this error.

Yes, I'm well aware of that!

To state the problem again, 463 of the scores in the 50_scores.cf from 3.3.0 sa-update refer to rules that used to be in 72_active.cf or 80_additional.cf in 3.2.5, but that neither of these two files are anywhere to be found in the 3.3.0 sa-update.

Either someone forgot to delete all these rules, or (more likely IMO) someone forgot to include 72_active.cf and 80_additional.cf in the sa-update files.


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