On Mon, 2010-02-01 at 12:09 -0500, Adam Katz wrote:

> It might be nice to have the URI rule check From, Reply-to, and
> Subject.  We'd have to be careful so as to not include /all/ headers
> as many different mailing lists use various headers for subscription
> management and PGP systems often use headers for pubkey locations, and
> I'm sure there's other stuff out there too.
I've raised an enhancement request bug (6317) suggesting that its only
necessary to deal with the 'personal name' part of the From: header.
Thats 'personal name' as in 

        From: personal name <u...@example.com>

since Subject can already be searched with body rules. It seems to me
that subverting headers other than From: and Subject: doesn't really
gain a spammer much since you can't guarantee that any other headers
with free text in their value string can be seen by the recipient,
particularly if their MUA has its default configuration.

I'd like to be able to scan From: headers with body rules as well as uri
rules because then one medical product rule can deal with the product
reference regardless of whether its in the message body, subject or
sender name. 

I've only raised this bug as a reminder, so feel free to cancel it if
its doesn't add any value or the implementation and/or run-time costs
are too high.


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