Christian Brel wrote:

>> > Humour me. Does this not mean a need to change the outbound to
>> > either a different IP or port?
>> IP yes.  I assume your external and internal network are on different
>> IP-ranges.
> What about my home workers? I don't have a VPN, they hook in by DSL
> from any number of different providers from outside using SASL/TLS.

Then presumably they submit email via port 587 after appropriate
authentication.  Then you just add that requirement - can't remember
what the exact postfix option is.  I have people working from
home-offices too, that's how they are set up. 

> It's like you say, you were thinking out loud and I can see where you
> are coming from, but it's not a fix for every situation.

I think it actually is.  Allow mynetworks, allow authenticated users,
reject everything else.

> I'm also thinking about those forwarding services out there - does the
> two SMTPd approach not break this in the same way SPF would break if
> the forwarder was not permitted to send?

I can't quite follow you - there's is no forwarding involved AFAICS?  

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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