On 2010-03-08 1:24, Rops wrote:

I'm trying to figure out why some emails get lost, which most likely is due
to emails killed by ISP spam filter due to high spam score these lost email

How to find out if some mail server is blacklisted and where?
Is there any central database for queries from all different blacklists?
Also IP based search is required and data when and why.

IP based search may be needed, as server under question has it's mailbox
hosted with ISP, but I believe that still the virtual server can be
blacklisted separately based on it's static IP and not the whole ISP mail

Additional side effect is that emails sent inside company get lost more
often - I believe because  they virtual server is blacklisted somewhere and
therefore emails sent always gather higher spam score.
So the question is to find out where it's blacklisted?

Thanks for any help and guidelines how and where to continue!


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