On 2010-03-09 13:51, Brian wrote:
On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 13:17 +0100, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
* Brian <brel.astersik100...@copperproductions.co.uk>:

In the year 2010 it is not unreasonable to expect the MTA that takes
responsibility for accepting a message to make reasonable checks about
the validity or content of that message.
Postfix can do this either via the milter interface OR the

It's very easy.

Look at the title and read the post Ralf. The point is you need to use a
milter or proxy/policy daemon to do this with Postfix. The point being
'Why does it not natively support this functionality in the year 2010?'
Answer: Because Weitse (AKA 'God') says so, so you all jump and say 'yes
sir, no sir, three bags full sir'.

So Ralf - author of 'The Postfix Book', can you please now tell me how
to get Postfix to reject mail before it accepts it and gives a 250 -
When Spamassassin tags it as spam?
It's 2010, spam accounts for 9x% of mail so please share with me how you
can do this with just a minor config change with Postfix. The caveat you
can't use the milter, you can't use 'amavis-crashalot' and a 250 must
not be given if Spamassassin marks it as spam. I can't find it in your
book anywhere old chap......

I'm happy to stay on the Postfix 'merry-go-round' for an answer, or we
can just agree Postfix can't easily do this and move on and stop
flogging this dead horse :-)

good idea -

Here, its totally off topic.

Move it to Postfix lists

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