We seem to be having a problem where clients that we interact with
regularly are having their hotmail/gmail/yahoo accounts hijacked.  We
are receiving e-mails from their accounts that legitimately go through
the correct servers (hotmail,yahoo, etc.) and so they get passed through
our spam filters.  The messages have different bodies but basically say
the same thing that they were on vacation and had all their money stolen
so they need to have money wire transferred to them.

Obviously we just have to tell the clients that they need to deal with
the various e-mail providers, but is there an effective way that I can
filter these messages out before my users see them without blacklisting
the address?  In one case I had probably 15 users that received the same
message and naturally they freaked out.

I have put a sample at:


Note I did change the real e-mail address in this message but the
hotmail address used is valid just masked.

The message doesn't hit any rules of significance on my system.




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