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Kris Deugau wrote:
> Gary Smith wrote:
>> Instead of running multiple SA servers, it is possible to run a single
consolidated SA server where only the userpref's are different for each
spamc caller (given that the local config will override the global
config) AND still use a single bayes DB?  We use a clustered MySql
instance for bayes, and I don't want to have to worry about a bayes DB
per user.
>> This big difference between the instances are mostly the
required_score threshold, few score overrides and a few custom rules.
>> Any recommendations on how to handle this?  I would be really nice to
use a single config for all SA instances, whereas the only difference
being the user config.
> If all of the differences are in required_score, custom scores on a few
rules, a few fairly trivial rules, etc, then yes, you should be able to
do this.
> Either create real system users filter1, filter2, etc or read up on
spamd's virtual user support.  A quick read of spamd's man page shows a
little clearer and more coherent set of options than I recall from ~2.x.
> -x and --virtual-config-dir are probably good places to start.
> -kgd
Why don't you just run 3 instances of spamd, each listening on different
ports/sockets and each with their own configuration:

spamd --siteconfigpath=/etc/spam1 --socketpath=/tmp/spam1.sock --port=783
spamd --siteconfigpath=/etc/spam2 --socketpath=/tmp/spam2.sock --port=784
spamd --siteconfigpath=/etc/spam3 --socketpath=/tmp/spam3.sock --port=785

This way you can enable/disable different plugins for each config as
well as having totally different configurations in each instance.
Afterwards it's just a matter of calling the right instance from your
MDA by choosing the proper socket or tcp-port.

Since you use MySql for Bayes, you can configure each instance with the
same configuracion so that they all access the same database. And
because its just for testing, don't forget to add "--min-children=1
--max-children=1" so that each instance only runs one scanner instance,
thus conserving RAM.

- --
Jorge Valdes

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