
  I have another question on SPF :)
Thanks to those who helped me get it working. Now its working I have a problem that Im getting fails (for the moment softfails due to my SPF config) of users sending mail from Outlook or whatever client that is connecting using SMTP Auth (simple auth no SASL etc). This page says thats a good idea (perhaps its taking about SASLS tho) but doesnt really explain how its meant to work:


Also the SpamAssassin documentation mentions configuring msa_networks which sounds relevant. Can I just list my SMTP server IP in here an SMTP Auth connections will be trusted? Or will that cause all connections to be trusted, as it sounds possible reading this "Warning: Never include an MSA that also acts as an MX (or is also an intermediate relay for an MX) or otherwise accepts mail from non-authenticated users in msa_networks. Doing so will result in unknown external relays being trusted"

thanks for any ideas,


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