
> > If there are multiple exchange backends for postfix/spamasassin
> > gateway ... how could one validate that users exists, given that you
> > only have a list of valid users for some of the exchange servers and
> > the mailahead/milterahead/smtp are not an option?

As every Exchange requires an Acive Directory it does not matter if
there is one exchange or many instances

Here is a perl-script that pulls out all valid email-addresses and
creates a file usable for postfix relay_receipients


Run it hourly, do a postmap afterwords and you are done ;-)

Sebastian Ries

DT Netsolution GmbH -  Talaeckerstr. 30 -  D-70437 Stuttgart
Tel: +49-711-849910-36               Fax: +49-711-849910-936
WEB: http://www.dtnet.de/     email: sebastian.r...@dtnet.de

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