I maintain a mail cluster that gets about 70,000 messages a day per

I'm just wondering if it's possible to decrease the scan times. In the
TOTALS section AvgTm is the average "scantime" in the spamassassin log

(Delivered are messages that SA scores under 5, Spamboxed are scored
5+, but under 10, and Rejected are 10+)

# ./knl-spam-stats.awk /var/log/spamassassin.*

                              AvgTm  AvgThruput
             # Msgs   %/Total (sec) (bytes/sec)
             ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
  Delivered  176086 ( 17.80%) 15.22     2208.40
  Spamboxed   51194 (  5.17%) 19.92      550.14
  Rejected   762189 ( 77.03%) 19.30      537.56

  Total      989469 messages processed

  (70676/day; 2944.85/hr; 49.08/min; 0.82/sec)

 BLACKLIST HITS                                       
  Blacklist       Msgs   %/Total   %/Spam Avg Score
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
  Spamhaus SBL    2087 (  0.21%) (  0.26%)    16.15
  Spamhaus PBL  569825 ( 57.59%) ( 70.06%)    21.99
  Spamhaus XBL  497403 ( 50.27%) ( 61.15%)    21.98
  SBL URI       187292 ( 18.93%) ( 23.03%)    26.05
  NJABL           3544 (  0.36%) (  0.44%)    23.65
  SORBS         387539 ( 39.17%) ( 47.65%)    22.32
  Spamcop       513748 ( 51.92%) ( 63.16%)    22.48
  SURBL URI     360620 ( 36.45%) ( 44.34%)    27.25
  RFC Ignorant   29295 (  2.96%) (  3.60%)    20.68

 CUSTOM RULE HITS                                     
  Custom Rule     Msgs   %/Total Avg Score
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
  MIME/JPG          84 (  0.01%)    15.45
  ZIP file         741 (  0.07%)    18.44

Yet, on another mail cluster that only gets 4-5000 messages a day per
node, the average scantimes are 4-5 seconds. Both have the same custom
rules, so any slowness in processing regexes should be noticable on
both systems.

In the first case, we have started rsyncing Spamhaus' blacklists in the
hopes that it would increase scantimes by decreasing DNS lookup times.
It hasn't really made too much difference, but my main concern is that
the messages seem to be taking so long regardless.

The boxes are running Sendmail 8.14 + ClamAV 0.96 + SA 3.3.1 + Razor

SPAMDOPTIONS="-d -x -c -m50 -H -s local2 /home/spamd -u spamd
--min-children=10 --min-spare=10"

Core 2 Duo @2.93GHz, 4GB RAM. Load averages typically sit at 5-7 during
the day.

Any advice on how I can tune the scantimes?

Spiro Harvey                  Knossos Networks Ltd
021-295-1923                  www.knossos.net.nz

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