> Hello,
> I have just setup spamassassin. A lot of spam is getting filtered. But
> a lot is not.
> What are the prevailing additional steps for improving filtering?
> Is using bayes worth it?

Generally yes. However, it needs training before being reliable.

> My default config does not appear to be using bayes. How do I enable
> it?

use_bayes and bayes_auto_learn are on by default.

> The documentation simply says "run sa-learn". Does the creation of
> the bayes db files effectively enable bayes?

No. You also need to "teach" enough ham and spam tokens to Bayes. By
default, you should train bayes with at least 200 ham messages and 200 spam
messages. At that point, you should start seeing bayes scoring your

> I have LearnAsSpam IMAP folders for everyone to drag spam that get's
> through into. How can I run sa-learn so that it builds a /single/
> database from all of these folders and so that spamd uses that single
> database for scoring everyone's mail?

Huh, using spamd --nouser-config ? 

> Once upon a time I used a third-party set of rules that could be
> updated once in a while. Is that still around and is it worth it?

Actually, there are so many SA supplies a specific tool to update them:

Regularly scheduled, sa-update may update the "stock" SA ruleset, as well as
third-party, sa-update-compatible ones.

> Mike

Are you quitting the Java mess to enter into the Perl one? ;)


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