On 28-Jun-2010, at 04:51, Mark Martinec wrote:
> The syntax hasn't changed - the DKIM plugin docs is up-to-date, see there.

perldoc Mail::DKIM was not in anyway helpful.

I assume I am looking in the wrong place?

 $ perldoc Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::DKIM
No documentation found for "Mail::SpamAssasin::Plugin::DKIM".
 $ perldoc Plugin::DKIM
No documentation found for "Plugin::DKIM".

> In this case all you need (since 3.3.0) is an ADSP override,
> no need for whitelisting:
> adsp_override battle.net custom_high
> adsp_override email.blizzard.com custom_high
> or more general:
> adsp_override blizzard.com custom_high
> adsp_override *.blizzard.com custom_high
> Adjust scores as needed, the defaults are very cautious
> (just in case someone is running SpamAssassin behind a
> mail path which clobbers messages, invalidating signatures):

OK, and than I just do that for every doamin?

Sorry for the confusion, but I seem to have wiped the memory banks on all of 
this in the last 3 years or so.

What I want:

  1) Message from blizzard that has no dkim gets scored +10
  2) Message from blizzard that passes dkim gets scored -1 (or something)
  3) Message from random idiot that passes dkim gets scored -0.1
  4) message that FAIL DKIM (or SPF hard fail) get scored +5
  5) Message from random idiot that passes SPF gets scored -0.001

I think that's about what I had in 3.2.5, only blizzard was a list of 'known' 
senders, like paypal, amazon, citibanc, apple.com, ebay, &c.

adsp_override battle.net  custom_high
adsp_override blizzard.com custom_high
adsp_override amazon.com custom_high
adsp_override *.ebay.com custom_high
adsp_override ebay.com custom_high

and so on?

And, since I'm here, how do I setup DKIM signing on my outbound mail? 

Thunder rolled...  It is said that the gods play games with the fates of
men. But what games, and why, and the identities of the actual pawns,
and what the game is, and what the rules are - who knows?  Best not to
speculate.  Thunder rolled...  It rolled a six. --Guards! Guards!

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