On 16.7.2010 4:04, Peter Lowish wrote:
> I am wondering if someone has a rule to deal with the current spam being
> sent with just a small png attachment the name of which changes
> There is no text in the email, just the attachment – the subject line is
> always different

header     __CTYPE_MULTIPART_ANY Content-Type =~ /multipart\/\w/i
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
mimeheader __ANY_TEXT_ATTACH     Content-Type =~ /text\/\w+/i
score    L_MIME_NO_TEXT 5.00
describe L_MIME_NO_TEXT No text body parts

header   L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_RTF  Content-Type =~ /\bname=".+\.rtf"/i
describe L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_RTF  Payload is an RTF document, no text part
score    L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_RTF  5.0

header   L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_HTML  Content-Type =~ /\bname=".+\.html"/i
describe L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_HTML  Payload is an HTML document, no text part
score    L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_HTML  5.0

header   L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_PNG  Content-Type =~ /\bname=".+\.png"/i
describe L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_HTML  Payload is a PNG image, no text part
score    L_PAYLOAD_CTYPE_HTML  5.0

I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Q:      What do you call a half-dozen Indians with Asian flu?
A:      Six sick Sikhs (sic).

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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