On 8/5/2010 1:03 PM, Evan Platt wrote:

Spamassassin can't handle this - it has no capability to reject mail, however you need to think - are you going to have a database of patients names, or is your intention to block anything with a "Name"? Are you really going to want to manage a databse of every name out there? If so, what happens when someone e-mails "I watched a presentation from Bill Gates on...." Well, that's a name, right?

So let's take the alternative - you have a database of just custom names (of your patients). Whos job is it to maintain that? And what happens if, again, in the above situation, a patient has the same name as say a celebrity or even worse, say a doctor? Let's say there's a world famous doctor James Bond. But James Bond (different person) is a patient. One of your staf members e-mails "We need to go see the conference Dr. James Bond is putting on". Bounced.

Amavisd could reject the mail. I was planning on using Spamassassin (with a custom built rule) to examine the email for the names. We would only use the names of our patients. The names would be dumped out of our patient DB every night. If a patient has a a same name as a friend, there would be a code we would put in the subject to bypass the filter. I was thinking of a custom rule for that code that would have a score of -20 or something like that. Basically, Spamassassin's role would be deciding whether or not one of the names was in the email and if the override code was in the subject. I'm not saying it is the most brilliant idea in the world, but it is what I have been told to implement.

I know Amavisd well, so I can handle that part. I guess by main question should be, could I have Spamassassin read a custom rule to look for several thousand patient names in the format "John Smith" and "Smith, John"?

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