On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 01:35:55PM +0300, Henrik K wrote:
> Big help was page 20+:
> <http://web.archive.org/web/20050515221554/http://birmingham.pm.org/talks/YAPC-Europe-2003-Gems.pdf>
> Basically you need to do something like:
> $pat = qr/\b(([a-z][-a-z]{2,15}[a-z]),? ([a-z][-a-z]{2,15}[a-z]))\b/i;
> $check = qr/(?{ $found = $1 if defined $names{lc "$2,$3"} || defined 
> $names{lc "$3,$2"} })/;
> while (<>) {
>         $found = undef;
>         /$pat$check(?!)/;
>         print "$found\n" if defined $found;
> }

Blah never mind.. the simpler example there works also, I messed up
something trying it..

$pat = qr/\b(([a-z][-a-z]{2,15}[a-z]),? ([a-z][-a-z]{2,15}[a-z]))\b/i;
while (<>) {
        while (/(?=$pat)/g) {
                print "$1\n";

And even slightly better since it doesn't overly backtrack.

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