
I'm using SA since 5 years now. Yesterday I was switching my Debian system to a gentoo Server and had to reinstall SA this way. I thought I transfered the config nearly identical, but it seems to not be the case, since I get results in filtering, which I dont understand:


I don't understand 3 things:

Why is it recognized as not beeing spam, although the required score is 3.0 and the actual score is 101.0?
Is this because of points 2) and 3)?

Why does ALL_TRUSTED hit here? I haven't configured mx0.gmx.net anywhere.

Why does USER_IN_WHITELIST apply here? "iyeboxfzpfj <zyy...@alxhkv.com>" is noone I've put onto any whitelist.

In the user_prefs of user "ww" the only "WHITE" - Thing is:
whitelist_from          *...@web-factory.de
whitelist_from          *...@marketing-factory.de

which is my company's domain.

Here's my whole global SA config:


Could anybody please give me a hint with this?

Thank you.

Best regards,

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