On Thursday 30 September 2010 06:57:15 Gerald Turner wrote:
> "Hans-Werner Friedemann" <h-w.friedem...@vds-herzberg.de> writes:
> > Hi @ all
> > 
> > what´s the matter with pyzor if I get the following hint by starting
> > spamd?

> > Wed Sep 29 11:23:29 2010 [5176] info: zoom: able to use 675/1223
> >   'body_0' compiled rules (55.192%)
> > Wed Sep 29 11:23:39 2010 [5176] info: pyzor: [5182]
> >   error: TERMINATED, signal 15 (000f)
> I've been investigating this problem as well, I believe it is a timeout
> error.  People have been discussing the timeout issue on the pyzor
> mailing list for months, with no resolution:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4C07B30A.8080300%4
> 0spamexperts.com&forum_name=pyzor-users

Yes, it is a timeout error. If you examine timestamps you can see
that exactly 10 seconds passed since the previous log entry.
Signal 15 is a TERMination signal sent from spamd (or amavisd)
to the pyzor subprocess.

The pyzor timeout is configurable through the pyzor_timeout setting.


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