On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 23:59 +0200, Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> The safest approach for tflags multiple rules is to trigger other rules
> based on the number of hits. meta rules explicitly support this.
>   meta FOO_4  __TFLAGS_MULTIPLE_SUB >= 4
Yes, I agree. Equally importantly, is to avoid use giant-killing scores.
I'd think 1.0 per hit would be as high as you'd ever want to use.

FWIW I have only two multiples - one scores 0.1 per hit and the other
uses 1.0 - the second one scans for relatively complex phrases that are
unlikely to be seen outside advertising blurb or the speech of a
sales-droid, and as a consequence multiple hits are fairly rare - its
only multiple to punish outbreaks of salesorrhea and is only used in
metas (often with the othyer multiple, which tags product names and
descriptions of stuff I'd never buy. I'm a private user, not an ISP: can
you tell?  :-)


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