On Thursday 28 October 2010 14:29:41 Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:
> this morning Gentoo people liked to upgrade NetAddr::IP from 4.033 to
> 4.034.
> People with "stable" systems (a Gentoo feature) actually runs SpamAssassin
> 3.3.1.
> Soon after upgrading NetAddr::IP, a lint run reported these:
> warn: netset: cannot include 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128 as it has already been
> included
> [...]
> Worse, every and each mail message I used to test SA, triggered the
> ALL_TRUSTED rule!!!
> I know NetAddr::IP recently got a re-design and probably SA have to cope
> with this.
> Do I have to place a bug report, or this is a known problem? I didn't find
> any bug related to this, but maybe it's me...

Looking into it...


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