On 11/8/2010 6:04 PM, Lawrence @ Rogers wrote:
> On 08/11/2010 12:06 PM, Ned Slider wrote:
>> Fair enough - fortunately I've not seen any of those here so assumed
>> a genuine facebook mail had maybe slipped through into the corpus by
>> mistake.
>> Either way, it was fixed by the time I'd spotted it.
> I've seen it as well, and disabled the Sought rules. They were causing
> too many FPs and not hitting enough spam to be worthwhile.

I haven't seen a lot of false positives, but you're right that they are
not hitting much spam.

I just checked my logs for the past two weeks and the Sought rules have
hit on just over 1% of my spam.  They used to be the top rules in my
list.  What happened?


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