On Tue, 2010-11-09 at 22:57 -0800, Karl Meyer wrote:
> >This is dangerous. With lots of mail in the (Maildir?) folder, shell
> >expansion *quickly* will exceed the command line length limit.
> >
> > The trailing dot also looks bad.
> This is a good argument. I' ll think about that. The folder is a cyrus Imap
> folder. I used the [0-9]*. expression, because each cyrus folder contains
> messages with numbered filename with a trailing dot and four cyrus.* files
> (cache, index,...).
Use find:  

find /var/spool/imap/user/kmeyer/ -name '[0-9]*.' -exec sa_learn {} \;

which is a bit slower but avoids the command line overflow by running
sa_learn on every matching file.


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