On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 08:42:16 +0100
Ger Apeldoorn <i...@gerapeldoorn.nl> wrote:

> > disable rbl tests in mailscanner
> Wouldn't that pass through much more spam? Is this a known bug?

It appears from the log message that mailscanner is checking SORBS
independently of Spamassassin. This doesn't appear to be a Spamassassin
problem. Spamassassin simply classifies mail - it doesn't do anything
with it. 

I think you should review your mailscanner configuration - simply
disabling all blocklists might cause you a big rise in spam if
mailscanner is currently handling spamhaus checks.

I don't know much about mailscanner, but it seems odd that it's running
Spamassassin on a message that's going to be rejected by a blocklist.
Possibly mailscanner has it's own internal scoring system, which is
being misused. Normally you reject on very reliable blocklists and
pass-on the rest to SA which can score-in the other, less-reliable,

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