On 12/3/2010 12:40 PM, Peter Test wrote:
> Hi experts,
> i just configured spamassassin and it works quite good.
> There is only one thing I can`t manage... I do NOT want to alter the
> email-subject.
> SA always alters the subject by prefixing a ****SPAM**** LOW (or
> this is also not always the case... only, when the score is above 5 or
> 6... don´t know.
> I can change whatever I want in /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf ...
> this behaviour
> does not change... but when I change the required-score value there...
> i see, that
> the value is taken care of... (if i look at the headers of my
> test-mails...)
> So it seems, as if some values are read, others are ignored...
> report_safe e.g.
> works, but adds a report ONLY, if the spam-level is => required
> value... is this normal?
> there also is no user_prefs.cf file that could override the
> local.cf... I could nowhere
> find a file, where the "***SPAM***" is added.... can someone point me
> to solve
> this issue?? I am using SA 3.2.5 in combination with qmail, clamav on
> centos 5.5
> local.cf looks like:
> # These values can be overridden by editing ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs.cf
> # (see spamassassin(1) for details)
> # These should be safe assumptions and allow for simple visual sifting
> # without risking lost emails.
> report_safe 0
> required_hits 7.5

By default, SA will not modify the subject.  If SA is doing it, then
there must be a config option either in local.cf, or in one of the
user_prefs files.  (Look for a "rewrite_header" option)

If you are using Amavisd_new or another glue program to interface with
SA rather than calling "spamassassin" or "spamc" directly, then it may
be that the subject tagging is coming from that program rather than
being done by SA.


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