On 12/17/2010 2:24 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> Exactly my point.  The problem I have had with SA as I said in my
> original response is that even if you use authenticated SMTP that
> setting the auth flag in the received header simply didn't work.
> Even when it is there, SA still filtered.  If you say that setting
> the flag only makes SA skip the RBL checks then I believe you,
> but what is the point, the RBL checks aren't the issue.  The
> filtering is the issue.

If SA can see that the message was authenticated, it will extend its
trust network to include the machine that authenticated.  This mainly
affects things like blacklist lookups.  Other than that, it will have no

SA will scan everything you give it regardless of the source.  If you do
not want certain messages to be scanned, you need to find a way to
prevent them from being sent to SA.  Perhaps there is a setting in
sa-milter for this.


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