On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 12:25:28 -0600
"Jack L. Stone" <ja...@sage-american.com> wrote:

> >I don't think so.  That message typically comes about when a DBI
> >database handle goes out of scope without disconnect() having been
> >called.

> That was also one of my thoughts but noticed (as I recall) that the
> Bayes.pm module has been the same code on that line for a while. It
> does sound like a disconnect flaw, and I may experiment with adding a
> disconnect on the offending line.

Well, the line where the error gets reported might not be the real
location of the problem.  That's certainly where $self goes out of
scope, but the caller should be hanging on to a reference to avoid the
DBI handle's destruction.

I tried reading the SpamAssassin code, but I gave up after a while.
It's pretty convoluted.  Makes me pine for the relative simplicity
of the Sendmail source. :) [OUCH]



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