On 12/30/2010 1:26 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:
> Well, not really... John Levine proposes a way to summarize swaths
> of IPv6 address space into very little storage, so that shouldn't be
> an issue.  While I'm not crazy about using DNS for this purposes,
> John's basic ideas are correct.
> The real problem is the human effort needed to monitor the enormous IPv6
> address spave for abuse.  I think it'll be hard or impossible to come
> up with useful and comprehensive IPv6 blacklists.

Does John's system do anything to prevent a spammer from sending a
million different spams from a million different IPs (one-ip-per-spam)
...with that IP never to be heard from again)? (and with little or zero
collateral damage?)

Rob McEwen
+1 (478) 475-9032

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