On Sunday, January 9, 2011, 12:50:12 PM, Lawrence Rogers wrote:
> On 09/01/2011 4:41 PM, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
>> On 9.1.2011 18:40, Marc Perkel wrote:
>>> Just wondering if anyone else is noticing this. Spam bot spam is down to
>>> 1/4 of what it was a year ago. I had noticed my black list shrinking.
>>> But here's some raw data from someone who tracks it.
>>> Now:
>>> http://www.sdsc.edu/~jeff/spam/cbc.html
>>> A year ago:
>>> http://www.sdsc.edu/~jeff/spam/2010/bc-20100109.html
>>> Are we winning?
>> It has been in news also, spam has decreaced since autumn and then again
>> in december. We just have to wait and see if this is permanent.
> It has been since the shutdown of Spamit late last year

> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/8090100/Spam-falls-by-a-fifth-after-Russian-operation-shut-down.html

Rustock is spamming again:



Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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