On 01/20/2011 11:31 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:

Public discussion lists are bit different.  In that case, it is the
individual post that is being considered spam rather than considering
the list spammy.  Since there is no overall control over the content of
the posts, public lists are vulnerable to being filled with spam if the
list owners are not paying attention.

For this reason, the ham trap will not be subscribed to any discussion lists.

When you sign up for a company's email list, you get whatever they
decide to send you.  If they decide to start sending marketing to the
list, I would not consider that spam because they own the list and they
can decide what to use it for.  The recipients signed up to get that
company's emails and if they no longer want to receive them, they can
unsubscribe.  And as I said before, if the unsubscribe function doesn't
work, then the emails become spam (regardless of the actual content).

Your understanding is exactly correct.


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