/Very Ancient/

On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 18:40 +0200, Jeremy Fairbrass wrote:

> Hi, I've noticed what seems to be unexpected behaviour with the Freemail 
> plugin, which I'm hoping someone can shed some light on.
> I'm using SpamAssassin 3.2.5, and the "FreeMail.pm" plugin v2.001 from 
> http://sa.hege.li, along with the rules from the 20_freemail.cf file at the 
> same location.

> My second question is regarding the reference to 
> (financediamond[at]gmail.com) in the FREEMAIL_FROM results. That email 
> address does not appear *anywhere* in the entire message! Not in any of the 
> headers, nor in any part of the body. I've opened up the raw email file from 
> my mail server and searched the entire thing in a plain text editor, and 
> there is no reference anywhere to 'financediamond' at all. So why is the 
> FREEMAIL_FROM rule referring to that address? Is it a bug maybe? Could it 
> perhaps be crossing wires with another email which my SpamAssassin was 
> scanning at the same time, or something like that??

I am seeing this occasionally myself, including just now, except with
3.3.1 ( hence my search of the mailbox and found this, but only this
post) somehow its mixing with addresses from separate emails altogether,
this is postfix and SA is called from amavisd-new

Was any suggestions given?


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