On 2/18/2011 9:30 AM, Ken A wrote:
> On 2/17/2011 6:52 PM, Warren Togami Jr. wrote:
>> On 2/17/2011 5:40 AM, RW wrote:
>>> The suggestion is that it be scored higher for that reason.
>> Or just outright block all MTA connections from anything listed in
>> zen.spamhaus.org, which seems to be safe. Large sites I know have been
>> doing that for years without any complaints.
> But, Zen contains some infected hosts, not just known spam orgs. That
> would make it a bit hard for a small sender with an infection problem
> to discover the problem, right? Not very polite to block them at the
> firewall, imo. Maybe we need a new type of ICMP response for infected
> hosts?

Block them at the MTA, not the firewall.  This way they get a rejection
message telling them that they are listed on Zen.


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