I've been using spamassassin as a pre-queue filter with postfix for a
while.  This has the advantage of rejecting everything spamassassin thinks
is spam during the smtp transaction, so you have no spam folder to check
for false positives, and you don't cause any backscatter, since the sending
server is responsible for delivering the rejection message.

But spampd has a default message size limit of 65536 bytes, and I have
found that increasing it causes memory problems on my server.  So I've
been rejecting all email over that size with the postfix main.cf option:

message_size_limit = 65536

Which, as you can imagine, can be inconvenient.  

I just finally got around to changing my setup so instead of being
rejected, messages over 64 kbytes get scanned post-queue, via procmail:

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
* > 65536
| spamassassin

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

(I actually use spamc, not spamassassin.)

And added this info to the bottom of:
That page could probably use some work.  I kind of like to remove the
bit at the top on how to use spampd as a post-queue filter.

"it's not how good you are, it's how bad you want it" - no fear

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