On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:24:18 -0500
David King <dk...@ketralnis.com> wrote:

> >> I have a mailserver running postfix and spamassassin. I have a user
> >> 'user1' and an alias 'alias1', like this in /etc/aliases:
> > Two obvious things to check:
> > 1) did you run 'newaliases' to rebuild the aliases database?
> Positive. The mail is delivered to the right place, it just doesn't
> get the bayes checks done (or check the user's whitelist, or anything
> that needs access to their home directory)

I don't think  spamassassin understands aliases. I've never used
spamass-milter, but judging by an online copy of its man page, I
suspect you may be missing the -x option.

-x'   Pass the recipient address through sendmail -bv, which will
      perform virtusertable and alias expansion. The resulting username
      is then passed to spamc. Requires the -u flag.

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