On 3/16/2011 4:08 PM, Hamad Ali wrote:
Hi folks -- wondering if anyone has monitored SA's performance against
phishing mails. SA is able to detect 86% of phishing emails my clients
get, with 0.5% false positives on all the ham. It seems non-phish-SPAM
is easier to be detected than phish (~99% for non-phish spam). Probably
I need to participate on nightly checks to improve phish and lower false

But all the above stuff is about bulk-phish, excluding spear phish. I
haven't received any spear phishing complain from my clients, and yet
none of the detected phish mails are spear phish -- which is alarming as
it's too good to be true that no one did spear phishing yet (specially
that it works far better than bulk-phish)!

What's the scenario in your mail systems folks? Do you detect spear
phishing mail by SA? Users report it?

-- H

Are you using spamassassin-3.3.1?

Have you tweaked it with the best tested add-ons?  Please read this page.

In particular the fuzzy hash based plugins like pyzor, Razor and DCC sometimes is effective against phishing.


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