I see same here. But it only seems to happen if you compile the rules. I
have one server where I compile the rules, and this exhibited the same

I can confirm that the endless loop only happens on rule compilation as well; without compilation everything's fine. Also, because I forgot to mention it in the last email, I'm running version 3.3.1.

I think I've run into something similar before with re2c and a completely different rule (maybe in the sought rulesets?; been a long time). I forget the details however.

 I have other servers where I do not compile the rules, and
these run just fine. For now I commented out the rules in 72_active.cf,
and recompiled.

It looks like you can get away with just commenting out the tflags multiple stanza:

#tflags      __PILL_PRICE_1         multiple

Not sure how effective MANY_PILL_PRICE is without the multiple hits from each sub rule, but figured it'd be useful information. Feeding strings that hit the rules confirm that _PILL_PRICE_[1-3] all exhibit this behavior (again, only when using compiled regex'es). Not quite sure how to compare this current ruleset with the former one (is there a way to get to the old rulesets?) to see what changed specifically.

At least mailflow is back again :)

Aye. Made for an... exciting early Sunday morning for me, and was a good lesson in the wisdom of staggering rule updates across servers a bit better than I was ;)

Matt Elson

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