> On 3/23/11 2:43 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> I know about the problem with "legal" mail and spoofed URL's. That's why I
>> asked about plugin that would be able to accept whitelists.
>> I don't see if it's possible to combine this with matching some domains
>> while not matching others, e.g. allow
>> <a href="http://example.com/";>http://example.net</a>
>> while not allowing
>> <a href="http://example.org/";>http://example.net</a>
>> but I doubt this is possible with this kind of rules.

On 23.03.11 14:45, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> that is why you do it with clamav.
> clamav will trigger (if set up to do that) if the a href doesn't match.   
> and with clamav, you can set up exclusions (whitelist)

I'd be glad if I could do this, no matter if with clamav (however I find it
better within spamassassin since users could set up own whitelist the SA

You are apparently talking about the PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch and/or
PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak but can you please point me to how to do these

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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