W dniu 30.03.2011 16:21, Per Jessen pisze:
> Well, isn't the behaviour you're seeing working-as-expected then?  If it
> was an indefinite loop, setting up a time-out would be a possible 
> work-around.  If the bayes code is doing what it is supposed to do, but
> just taking long to do it, no work-around is needed. 
> Instead, you could try limiting the size of what is being processed by
> spamd. 

It's not so easy to limit message size. It would be ideally to have
config option "bayes_max_msg_size". I'm getting huge mail (UCE) which
should be scanned by SA. Bayes isn't needed in this case (remained rules
are enough to score such mails), but i can't turn off bayes engine for
some mails. To do it i will have to setup another SA instance, with the
same config but with bayes turned off, in exim i can decide wich engine
use to scan using mail size. But this needs two SA running, needs more
memory etc.
I can't try now what would happen with rules mention in bug #6558, but
meseem spamd child wasn't killed after --timeout-child.

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