On Fri, 1 Apr 2011 14:34:16 -0400
dar...@chaosreigns.com wrote:

> Out of the 86,899 IPs I have data for, all but 38 are either 100%
> spam or 100% ham,

That sounds a bit funny.

We have data on over 17 million IP addresses (collected using
http://mimedefang.org/reputation) Of those, about 9 million report at
least one ham or one spam -- the remainder either never made it past
greylisting or only tried emailing nonexistent recipient addresses.

Of those 9,102,875 hosts:

o 536,596 (5.8%) sent _only_ ham

o 7,821,574 (86%) sent _only_ spam

o The remaining 744,705 (8.2%) sent a mixture.  Most Yahoo! servers are in
  this category.

You saw less than 0.05% sending a mixture, which means you are probably
not getting a good sample.



PS: If anyone wants to contribute to and download *our* reputation
list, please see http://mimedefang.org/reputation and email me
off-list.  Please be aware that unlike darxus' list, ours is not
freely-available, though we generally give free downloads to
organizations willing to feed us reputation data if they do a
statistically-useful amount of mail (>= 50K messages/day).

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